STEP 4: Container delivery

Your PODS container is on its way!
Good news! We’re ready to deliver your PODS container. The night before your scheduled date, we’ll send you an email. It’ll give you a 3-hour delivery window for the next day. Your PODS driver will also give you a call while on the way to your home. You don’t have to be there for the container delivery, but if you’re not sure where you want it placed, it’s best to be present.
Is your information accurate?
About a week before your scheduled delivery, give us a call to confirm your address, contact information, scheduled delivery date, and to confirm container placement instructions. This will help eliminate any unexpected delays or problems!
Have all the necessary permits?
If you need a permit or approval, have it in hand to show to your PODS driver, or send it to your PODS Customer Care Associate before delivery.
Watch PODZILLA® in action
Your PODS driver will use PODZILLA, our level-lift system, to maneuver your container into place. PODZILLA and our trucks need a flat surface with clearances of 12' wide X 15' high X 40' long. If you have any questions or concerns about placement, don’t hesitate to call PODS Customer Care at (855) 706-4758. (Great service is standard at PODS — so no tips for our drivers are expected.)
Clear the way
Be sure you’re not blocking the driveway with your car and clear the area of any low hanging tree branches or wires.
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