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PODS Moving & Storage Lubbock

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Cela peut prendre jusqu'a 30 secondes.
Cela peut prendre jusqu'a 30 secondes.
Nous cherchons parmi plus de 200,000 conteneurs pour vous trouver le meilleur prix.
Nous cherchons parmi plus de 200,000 conteneurs pour vous trouver le meilleur prix.

Comment déménager et entreposer avec PODS

Conteneurs de déménagement PODS

Livraison et chargement

Nous nous en chargeons pour que vous n’ayez pas à le faire. Nous livrerons votre conteneur à votre nouvelle adresse, que vous déménagiez à l’autre bout de la ville ou du pays. Si vous avez besoin d’expédier votre voiture, nous pouvons vous mettre en relation avec notre transporteur de voitures privilégié, qui s’occupera d’organiser les services professionnels dans votre région.

Entreprise de déménagement PODS


Choisissez votre conteneur d’entreposage sur place et gardez-le sur votre propriété aussi longtemps que vous le désirez pour profiter d’un accès facile et en tout temps à vos affaires.
Entreposage près de chez moi


Nous récupérerons votre conteneur chargé et l’apporterons dans un centre d’entreposage PODS local, où il sera en sécurité jusqu’à ce que vous en ayez à nouveau besoin.
Entreprise de déménagement PODS


Nous nous livrerons votre conteneur portatif jusqu’à votre nouveau domicile, qu’il soit à l’autre bout de la ville ou du pays.
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Lubbock Moving Solutions

If you're moving to Lubbock, from across town or across the country, PODS is the right move for your move. First, select the portable container size you need to hold all of your belongings and schedule a delivery date. After that, you can take your time loading your items. When you're ready to move, give us a call and we'll transport your PODS container to your new home or to one of our secure Storage Centers nearby.

Lubbock Storage Solutions

Whether you need to clear a room because of a home remodel, renovation, or you simply need some extra space, PODS has Lubbock storage solutions that can help. We bring the storage container to you so you can leave the driving to someone else. Plus, flexible pick-up and delivery options allow us to work around your schedule, giving you the time you need to load your belongings into the portable storage container.

More about Lubbock

Lubbock sits in an area of Texas geographically known as Llano Estacado on the southern tip of the Texas High Plains. With a population of about 305,000 people, Lubbock is becoming more known for its vibrant music and arts scene than farming, yet it still holds plenty of Texas charm. If you’re interested in moving to Lubbock, trust PODS to provide moving and storage the way you need it done.

Moving to Lubbock

Situated in the Texas Panhandle, Lubbock has been nicknamed “Hub City” derived from it being the economic, educational, and healthcare hub of the area. Lubbock has become a very diverse city with the influx of the tech industry. You can dine in one of Lubbock's finest restaurants and see folks in cowboy hats as well as people in designer suits. One thing that’s certain about Lubbock is that everyone is friendly.

Neighborhoods are as diverse in Lubbock as the population. If you’re contemplating a move to the city, check out several of them to pinpoint the one that fits your specific needs. As Lubbock is home to Texas Tech University, you can expect to find plenty of living opportunities for college students, professors, and people employed at the university. 

The Slide Road area of Lubbock near 96th Street is known for its peace and quiet with charming, affordable homes and has been listed as one of Texas's best retirement areas. If you’re not retiring but working in Lubbock, the Quaker Avenue area near 98th Street is comprised mostly of working professionals, executives, and management. Adobe Row ranks as one of the best neighborhoods in all of Lubbock as many of the buildings and homes are part of the National Register of Historic Places.

All of Lubbock is filled with Texas charm and hospitality, so no matter where you choose to live, PODS can help you move to your new dream home with a variety of moving and storage solutions. 


Things to Do and See in Lubbock

Now that you have moved into your new home, it’s time to get out and explore the history of the area, visit museums, hear live music, and enjoy all of the fine dining that Lubbock has to offer. With so much ranching and farming history around Lubbock, visit the National Ranching Heritage Center located on the grounds of Texas Tech University. The museum showcases ranching and frontier life with many historical buildings and artifacts. 
Lubbock is famous for being the home of the singer and musician, Buddy Holly. The Buddy Holly Center is more than just a museum that houses his guitars and other artifacts, it’s also a place that collects and preserves items from other performing artists and musicians of West Texas. The center also features educational classes, musical classes, and workshops. 
Whether you're considering a move to Lubbock or simply need a convenient storage option for a local project, PODS offers moving and storage solutions that fit your needs and your schedule.

Customer Reviews

Serving the greater Lubbock area

Abernathy | Anton | Brownfield | Hale Center | Idalou | Levelland | Littlefield | Lorenzo | Lubbock | New Deal | New Home | Plainview | Ransom Canyon | Ropesville | Shallowater | Slaton | Smyer | Tahoka | Wolfforth

Lubbock moving and storage

Installations d'entreposage à proximité

Lubbock, TX

8708 FM 1585
Wolfforth, TX 79382

*Limited service areas may apply. Please call PODS for service availability.